Monday, June 4, 2012

Your last chance to see Venus before 2117

A little black mole will grace the face of Sun at the crack of dawn on June 6. However, the mole is not a mere symbol of beauty, it is Venus - the Goddess of beauty. The rarity of the event could be assessed from the fact that people alive today would never get a second chance to view it again. Reason: transit of Venus is among the rarest of predictable astronomical phenomenon and currently occurs in a pattern that repeats after every 243 years. The transit takes place in pairs, which are 8 years away from each other and separated by long gaps of 121.5 years and 105.5 years - a pattern which repeats after 243 years.
The first part of the present pair took place in October 2004. Prior to 2004-2012 pair, the transit of Venus took place in December 1874 and December 1882. The next transit would take place in 105 years later i.e. in 2117.

Whether you can see this transit of Venus and when you can see it depends on your location.  Get to know more details here and a detailed description from NASA. The Guardian reveals key facts of the rare phenomenon and tells you how to watch it safely.

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